Deadline for Abstract Submission: August 23, 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All abstracts should be submitted electronically via online submission system. The online submission system can be accessed via the Congress website. The abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax, and regular post will not be accepted.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: August 23, 2024

The authors can submit original research, case reports, and case series. Presentations should be capable of contributing to scientific development and should contain a concluding message. Accepted abstracts will be published without any correction; therefore, any error in the content of the abstract is under authors’ responsibility. The scientific committee will not interfere with the content. Authors can submit either a full-text paper or an abstract to the Congress.

Each participant can be an author of more than one paper, but as a presenter, he/she can apply for at most one oral presentation and one poster presentation.

Guidelines for Submission
  1. The abstracts will be submitted only via the online submission system.
  2. All abstracts should be in both Turkish and English.
  3. Names of the authors should not include their academic titles.
  4. The names should be written with the first letter in the capital and the rest in the lower-case and without any abbreviations.
    E.g. Mehmet Yılmaz
  5. The institutions of the authors and the city of the institution should be stated.
  6. E.g. Xxxx University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology, Istanbul.
  7. The abstract should not contain names or affiliations of authors.
  8. The title should not exceed 12 words.
  9. Only the first letter of the abstract title should be written in capital letters (Except for abbreviations).
    E.g. Investigation of PGE2 levels in periodontal tissues
  10. All abbreviations used in the abstract should be defined at first use. The abbreviation should be provided in parentheses following the definition.
  11. Abstracts for original research should include the titles Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. The ethics committee’s decision number and date should be written in the Materials and Methods section without specifying the name of the institution.
  12. In the abstract, the purpose of the study and the materials and methods used should be briefly stated, the findings should be summarized by providing statistical values, and the conclusion should be explained within the framework of the findings presented.
  13. Abstracts for case reports and case series should be prepared as a single text without using separate headings.
  14. For each abstract three keywords must be submitted.
  15. The abstract should not exceed 250 words excluding title, author's name and surname, institution and keywords.

The abstracts that do not comply with any of these rules will be excluded from the evaluation regardless of their content.

Important Notices
  • If you use the online submission system for the first time, select the “New User” link and register.
  • Explanations on the page under the registration procedure will guide you. Please read the messages and explanations carefully.
  • Please keep the confirmation e-mail sent to your e-mail address following the abstract submission.
  • You can track the evaluation process of your abstract over the system by using your e-mail and password.
  • For technical assistance or questions during abstract submission contact Minduce IT Solutions Ltd. by calling phone: (+90 216 410 44 14, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (EET), Monday-Friday.)

Important Notes
You can create a support request via online submission system. If you want to update your abstract sent to the Scientific Committee before the submission deadline, please call the support line (Tel: 0216 410 44 14). Following the acceptance of your request, the status of your abstract will be brought to the previous step. Care must be taken not to submit the same abstract with a different abstract number due to the negativities that may occur during the evaluation process. The draft of the abstract should be completed and submitted.

Abstract Evaluation
All abstracts and proceedings will be blind reviewed by the Scientific Committee. A letter concerning the abstract evaluation result will be e-mailed to the author. The presenting author should register to the Congress before the early registration deadline of September 16, 2024.

The Scientific Committee has the right to accept or reject any submission due to content or number of presentations. If the submission is accepted the Scientific Committee can make decisions to change the type of the presentation.

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